Monday 23 December 2013

Return to Richmond Park

25th May 2009
54.17 miles
3 hours 40 minutes
To and from Richmond Park and 6 laps of the park

Having only done one ride longer than 3 miles in the last five months, which was a very leisurely 16 miles, my bike fitness was very much in doubt this morning.

Not any more.

Having had Blondie and the other bike radar guys offer to escort me around Richmond Park to get some confidence back, I found myself on the Madone this morning for only the second time.

I had tried to back out of this ride many times, with each of my feeble excuses being rejected. So I was commited to at least turning up at the cafe at Roehampton Gate to meet everyone. And probably one lap.

That would total 18 miles door to door, and I figured I could manage that.

55 miles and over 4 hours later, I returned home.

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